a little about me

A little about me… I’m a Mom to four kids and have been married to my husband Troy for 26 years. Our life centers around our kids Alexa, MacKenzie, Landon & Easton. 

I’ve always loved pictures and memory keeping. To this day, I cannot think of anything that makes me happier than a great picture of my kids! I was the Mom who had professional portraits taken all. the. time. And scrapbooks? Yeah, I’ve got shelves full of them!

When my youngest son started school, I launched my second career - photography. My first official client was in the summer of 2017. And… it was incredible - I LOVED it! Jill Kort Photography was officially in business and I haven’t looked back since! 

One of my favorite parts of this journey is that photography was never a career I envisioned for myself. The growth of my little business has absolutely been a dream come true!

Contact Jill


Name of High School

Your Child's Name (For senior sessions only)

your Child's Name?
(for senior sessions only)

what type of session are you interested in?




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